Esoterism & Prototypes

This page is about using esoteric concepts.
These notions are useful at least for achieving the following 3 purposes (categorized as in von Clausewitz way):

  • Fasterly Learning (Operational, Technique): each argument could be reduced and leaded to a proper esoteric model (see Models) to completely describe it.
    The "analogy" should be used to easily switch from an environment to an other (see the second rule in Tabula Smaragdina , by Hermes Trismegistus).
    Take a look at Esoteric Learning: the 3 essential ways for acquiring and organizing knowledge

  • Trichotomy (Tactical, Mode): comprehensively address all the 3 parts: Yin, Yang and Tao (Body, Soul and Spirit or Female, Male and Creation)
    Take a look at 3 Main Centres in the World: the 3 major areas throug which the esoteric concepts were splitted

  • Dichotomy (strategical, Method): to approach the 2 "parallel" worlds that pre-columbian named Tonal (or Later Heaven Sky, using China-Asia name) and Nagual (Early Heaven Sky).
    Nowadays, in the Information era, it could be also compared to the 2 approach to information treatment: Digital (Fibonacci sequence and cognitive "Golden Ratio", addressable by living beings by the use of integer numbers) and Analog ("Aureal Section" and inherent ideal Spiral, the model to tend to build on real numbers)

    Consciousness Sky World Numbers
    Tonal Later-Heaven Digital Integer
    Nagual Early-Heaven Analog Real

    Take a look at Models: subsequent complex prototypes, which number of elements are based on Fibonacci Sequence

    Altough one should avoid to fall in dogmatism through esoteristic notions (and it is easier than expected), these set of knowledge provides such an approach that helps a lot in understanding the world (Operational phase). It is vital to undertake the correct analogy, in order not to achieve wrong conclusion and not to fall in dogmatism.

    Each Esoteric Culture focused on building models that resembles the world, by the use of different feeling as predominant in each culture. The main error one should avoid (in Tactical phase) is to focus only on Yin and Yang, forgotting to address the Tao, the component that build up the world by combining Yin and Yang parts

    The best way of using the esoterism (Strategical phase), is to choose the most appropriate model to the matter to be addressed, by choosing the right level of deepness, based on the number of elements that actually build it.