PCI-DSS: System Administration
PCI_DSS (Payment Cardholder Industry – Data Security Standard) is a proprietary standard (publicly available) aimed to guarantee information security within companies dealing with credit card data, belonging to operators like Visa, MasterCard, etc.
The standard is composed by 12 domains, corresponding to the main 12 requirements, in order to catalogue security controls (protection countermeasures):
Cryptographic Keys both for data “at Rest” and “in Motion” (together with paired digital certificates) own proper life cycle by which manage these, logically not correlated with technology (i.e. cypher algorithm) and scope (rest, motion).
Key Management: Operations
The Greek crisi could be the best opportunity for Eurozone: Europe can point out a new economic way, different from US one.
I remember something from "Artificial Intelligence" (MiniMax, prisoner dilemma, etc) course during university and History/Philosophy (Machiavelli, Borgia family, the pope, etc) studies at High School.