Google Analytics: very easy with Drupal

Mon, 09/07/2015 - 10:58 -- pottol

Data Collection & Management

Data collection and management with Google Analytics provides a single, accurate view of the customer that can be customized to your needs and shared across the organization.

  1. Site Profile: go to ([78]) and create a profile for the site. Get the account number
  2. Login with Google credentials; click on Registration button:

  3. Click on “Obtain a Monitoring ID” and accept the conditions

  4. Monitoring Code: analyticstracking.php: create a PHP file containing simple code
  5. Account Number: put the ccount number inside Drupal Instance (Admin -> Configuration -> Google Analytics). Set the Account Number
  6. Configure Analytics: set up the statistic features to switch on
  7. Enjoy

(In the figure the today analysis of my site )