IPAT - Number Sequences: methodology

The sequence question shoud be answered by a top-down approach:

  1. Identify the Sequence Type
  2. Individuate the logic of sequencing, using analogy both horizontal (subsequent numbers) and vertical (group or parallel, when it is the case)
  3. Find the lacking number, compliant to sequencing logic

Sequence Types

There are 3 types of sequences:

  1. Unique: linaer sequence, alone, without combination
  2. Group: sequence composed by set of fixed lenght
  3. Parallel: sequence composed by fixed number of intertvined smaller ones

1. Unique

Like: x,y(x),z(x),w(x),...

Identify: unique trend (ascending or descending)

Percentage: about 3/20 of the sequence

Groups are classified by properties, describe in the following 2 (alternative) attributes:

  • Patterned: obviously y=y(x), z=z(x), etc
  • Double: y=f(x),z=g(y),w=f(z), and so on

2. Group

Like: x,y,z,w,a,b,c,d,i,j,k,l,...

Identify: multiple, fixed size trends

Percentage: about 2/3 of the sequence

Groups are classified by properties, describe in the following 3 attribute:

  • Patterned: x,f(x),g(x),h(x) or un-Patterned: x,y,z,w
  • by i: indicated the fixed number of number composing the group
  • [Simple]|Knot|Chain: providing information about linkage from a group to another


  1. Simple there are no logical connection from a group to another: x,y,z,w; a,b,c,d
  2. Knot: the last number of a group drives the the last number of the next one: x,y,z,w(n); a,b,c,d(n)
  3. Chain: the last number of a group drives the first number of the next one: x,y,z,w; a(w),b,c,d

So, a Grouped Sequence could be expressed by:

[Simple]|Knot|Chain [Patterned] Group by i

It could be identified when there are different trends, among gruop of numbers.

3. Parallel

Like: x,a,i,y,b,j,z,,c,k,w,...

Identify: intertvined trends

Percentage: about 1/5 of the sequence

It is useful to write down the parallel sequences on a paper, like this:

x y z w

a b c d

i j k ...

It could be identified when there are no instant trends.

Accordint to M4Math site, this is the usual distribution of questions:


Tipe Percentage
Group 63,16%
Unique 21,05%
Parallel 15,79%