Carlos Castaneda

Tue, 05/03/2016 - 11:32 -- pottol

Carlos Castaneda


Books on shamanism, nagualism, silence, separate reality.

He wrote 12 Books:

  1. The Teachings of Don Juan: experiences about Mescalito (spirit inhabitating peyote plants), "yerba del diablo" (lit. "Devil's Weed"; Jimson weed) and "humito" (lit. "Little smoke", Psilocybe mexicana). Master’s thesis in the school of Anthropology, in 1968 at Universitiy of California
  2. Separate Reality: attempts at getting to See, a practice described as "perceiving energy directly as it flows through the universe" (in Castaneda's own words)
  3. The Jorney to Ixtlan: a man of knowledge, or sorcerer, is a changed being, or a Human closer to his true state of Being, and for that reason he can never truly go "home" to his old lifestyle again
  4. Tales of Power: the Isle of Tonal. The Energy and the dichotomy between Tonal and Nagual. Till the "Final Meeting" in 1973
  5. The Second Ring of Power: shows the author meeting his fellow sorcerer's apprentices, surviving plays for power, and learning to live impeccably, to dream, and to pay attention to the other world
  6. Eagle's Gift: The power that governs the destiny of all living beings is called the “Eagle” because it appears to the eye of the seer as an immeasurable jet-black eagle, standing erect as an eagle stands, its height reaching to infinity
  7. The Fire From Within:  about Second Attention
  8. The Power of Silence: the "Abstract Core" of lessons
  9. The Art of Dreaming:   the steps needed to master the control and consciousness of dreams. 4 out of 7 Gates of Dreaming, or obstacles to awareness are discussed, in order to achieve lucyd dreaming by psychosomatic changes, including an alternate way of dying 
  10. The Active Side of Infinity: memorable events of Castaneda's life. Posthumous 
  11. Magical Passes: about tensengrity. Body movements for breaking the barriers of normal perception, from The Practical Wisdom of the Shamans of Ancient Mexico
  12. The Wheel of Time: Selected quotations from the first eight books

Some useful links:The books are available online (in English language):

The "Manuale del Guerriero della Luce" contains a lot of Castaneda quotations.