- Mobile Connect (GSMAMC): it is a standard developed by GSMA (http://www.gsma.com/personaldata/mobile-connect).
GSMA is a “Confederation of European Posts and Telecommunications (CEPT) to design a pan-European mobile technology”, like standards: GSM, GPRS, GSMAMC, etc; those were adopted outside EU, too.
On March 3rd, 2015 GSMA has declared (see http://www.itnewsafrica.com/2015/03/gsma-mobile-connect-launches-in-13-countries/ ):
- a) 17 Mobile Network Operators have started “Mobile Connect” in Asia and Africa, like: Etisalat (MED e Africa), Robi (Bangladesh), China Mobile, China Unicom, Indosat (Indonesia), etc.
- b) GSMAMC should be shortly started in EU, by proper cooperation with telco operators; among those: Telecom Italia and Vodafone (IT, DE, UK)
- GSMAMC meaning: it is a mapping between MSISDN (the cellphone number, univoque) to personal identity of user; it is intended to be used instead of usual credentials (login & password). That is, the authentication is performed by "something you have": the device. Authorizzation configuration: the user could choose for which applications (and which sites) the MSISDN authentication should be switched on, according to the GSMAMC. In the case, it should be switched on entirely
- GSMAMC Reliability: the MSISDN is assigned only after screening performed by a CEPT (es. TIM, Wind, 3, Vodafone) of a valid ID. Only after the archiving of a proper ID copy the MSISDN is added to the SIM. So, it should be a one-to-one map between MSISDN and ID (not vice-versa, since an ID could have mapped more MSISDN). So the authentication should be stronger than usual web site ones.
- GSMAMC Limits: the mapping MSISDN <-> ID should be altered because: device robbery, buyer != user, MSISDN spoofing (http:// wholesalesolutions.orange.com/content/download/30332/283872/version/1/file/SS7+anti+spoofing+solution+2014.pdf )
- GSMAMC working: Mobile Connect is an additional function of IAM systems, in order to execute the followig: read MSISDN from device (SS7 function), share to IAM system and use instead of user/password
- GSMAMC Implementation: there are many IAM solutions already covering the needed GSMAMC functionalities:
6.1) OpenID Connect: identity layer on top of OAuth 2.0: http://openid.net/developers/libraries/
Used by Deutsche Telekom (seehttp://alexandra.dk/sites/default/files/arrangementer/rump-session/oidc_dt_20140202.pdf )
6.2) ForgeRock/OpenAM (see http://docs.forgerock.org/en/openam/12.0.0/admin-guide/ )
6.3) Ericsson: www.etalio.com