5 Elements in Enterprise

Mon, 10/12/2015 - 16:18 -- pottol

Running out an Enterprise (both personal and business company) is a complex matter, composed by many tasks and actions. Using a easy, strong and solid model helps in leading successful enterprises.

Resembling my post on September 21, 2015 (“3 Tips to Run Enterprise”), the element should combine with all 4 phases (Pilot, Nail, Scale, Milk Out).



The sparking element: it starts the things up, like the spring. An enterprise is the aim to reach a specific goal, to set a precise point, to walk a particular way; this should be accomplished by precise sight. The starting point is, basely, an idea, a good one, to develop, to grow, to apply and to refine.

It is about the strategy to put in place.



The living element: idea was started. Waiting to apply it completely and to refine, initial operations, eventually on an embrio of the idea, should be executed. This allow enterprise to touch real world, to gain strengths and get live, even if acting on an imperfect, rough and inelegant version of the original abstract idea.

It is about the initial operation to put in place. The effect of this element is more evident during “Pilot” building.



The fluid element: idea improvement should be put in place in order to adapt it to current market. This makes enterprise to be filled with stuff, earing from real world, adapting to current market.

It is about continuing operation to put in place. The effect of this is more evident during “Nail” building.



The standing element: idea has been improved. Now it is the time to taste the market and to reason about economy of production of this, “break-even” point and so on, reaching out the balance, over which the standing is built up.

It is about putting in place tactic. The effect of this is more evident during “Scale” building.



The pulse element: idea should improve by proper rhythm, regularly, breathing.

It is about general tactic. The effect of this should be evident during all the 4 phases.